AKOSUA BUSIA was born into the Yefri Royal House of Wenchi in Ghana, West Africa. She is the youngest daughter of former Frist Lady, Mrs. Naa Morkor Busia and the Right Honorable Dr. Kofi Abrefa Busia, former Prime Minister of Ghana. Akosua has a dedication to truth through art, and is possessed of a deep faith in Christ that imparts hope, dignity and elegance to her life and work, befitting her heritage.

A multi-talented artiste, Akosuawas dubbed ‘a genius’ from early childhood, and has grown to be a well-known actress, novelist, screenplay writer, poet, director, and public speaker. Inspired by her mother's vision, along with sister, Dr. Abena Busia, Akosua is Co-Founder and Chair of Busia Foundation International.

Raised on four continents, traveling over forty-two countries, Akosua schooled in Holland, Mexico, Switzerland, and Great Britain. In Los Angeles, California, Akosua caught the attention of Producer Quincy Jones and director Steven Spielberg, who cast her in the watershed role of Nettie in the Color Purple. After the completion of the film, Akosua settled in Los Angeles for many years, before returning to her native Ghana.

Akosua currently divides her time between her homes in Ghana and the United States. She has one daughter, Hadar Busia-Singleton, from her marriage to director John Singleton.